
The Notebook Folio - Bridging Analog with Digital Tools

Created by Mike Linn

A Modern Notebook Folio to help you carry a notebook, a tablet or sketchpad, and two pens to help keep your projects organized.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Bookbinding and Printing Update
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 05:09:53 PM

Hello Again!

As I work with the bookbinder to complete your notebooks, I wanted to send along some of the images he has been kind enough to share this week. 



I also wanted to let you in on another piece of the reward that I haven't mentioned until now, which is the paper insert that will come in the folio.  To show my appreciation for supporting the launch of my company I wrote a thank you note and with the help from Adam at Clunk Supply, we have letterpressed this onto a high-quality piece of 110lb paper.  Here are some sneak peeks.

Chandler & Price 9x12 Letterpress
Chandler & Price 9x12 Letterpress



I hope you have a good rest of the week and I'll keep in touch with updates!



Ps. Here is a good video of Adam at work:


Mailing address confirmation and insert printing
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 09:33:34 AM

Hello again!

I wrote last week explaining that the shipping has been delayed for the notebooks, but as the Folios are currently available, I am happy to announce that the rewards with only folios will begin shipping very soon.  

I have been working with a local letterpress company, Clunk Supply where Adam has helped print an insert that I wanted to include in your package.  This is expected to arrive this week so, in order to be ready for shipping, I will be sending out a final address confirmation from the BackerKit system so you can double check your mailing address one last time.

Here is a look at the insert being printed

Chandler & Price 9x12 Letterpress
Chandler & Price 9x12 Letterpress


Please let me know if you have any final questions before shipping begins.  Once your reward is mailed out, you will receive tracking information automatically.



Production Progress and Updated Shipping Information
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 11:43:27 PM

Hello and Happy New Year!

This is the busy time of the year for me as shipping is getting closer and I am gearing up for a quick turnaround for everyone's rewards. The book-binder is working hard to complete the notebooks and sketchpads which is the longest part of the fulfillment process. The notebooks are all being hand-sewn in a small family owned shop here in the US and due to the large volume of notebooks needed, as well as my individual packing request to protect the books during transit, these two things are causing the delay getting them completed. I will be in touch over the next few weeks with updates on production and timing but it looks like a more reasonable shipping date will be in February.

I am giving you this update based on new information from the book manufacturer that I received today and will be in touch on a regular basis until you have your rewards.

Notebook pages printed with printer trim lines
Notebook pages printed with printer trim lines

On the bright side, I received all the folios and they look better than I could have imagined. After looking through the first batch, the covers are perfectly made and the quality is what I have come to expect with this manufacturer.

All three folios in stock
All three folios in stock


10 boxes of folios!
10 boxes of folios!

I am very sorry for this delay and for any inconvenience it may cause. If you have any questions please comment below or email me directly at [email protected].


Production Update, Sketchpad Images, and Giveaway Winners!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 07:07:43 PM

I am happy to report that everything is on schedule and moving along smoothly!  The Notebook design layouts have been finalized with the book printer and those are being printed and bound.  All the Folios are currently en route to me and will arrive next week so I will share pictures when they arrive!

Below are a couple of early images of the Sketchpads



Nearly all the reward surveys have been answered so thank you for taking the time to fill these out quickly.  This helps gauge production levels for each color, which are broken down in the below images if you are interested. The Blue Notebooks were a clear favorite along with the Grey Folios.

Results from Kickstarter Survey
Results from Kickstarter Survey

As for the three lucky winners that filled out their survey in the first week and randomly selected, they are:

1. Kate K.

2. Tomasz S

3. Nicole G.

Thank you again to everyone for completing the surveys! 

While you are waiting for the folios and notebooks to arrive, I invite you to check out my blog which is focused on becoming more organized.  You can find it HERE.  My latest entry is a review on a great book entitled, "Smarter Faster Better" by Charles Duhigg.

A book designed to make you more productive
A book designed to make you more productive

That's all for now, I will be in touch as things move along and please feel free to send me a message or email if you have any questions at [email protected].  

Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving!


Backer Survey and Special Free Giveaway Announcement!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 09:50:06 PM

Starting today, please be on the lookout for the BackerKit email to fill out your reward survey. 

There is no need to sign up for an account with BackerKit, simply follow the link in the email you receive and it will guide you through the reward selection process, collect your address information, and give you the chance to add any additional items. 

As a reminder, you have three choices for the Folio.

Matte Black, Mint Green, and Crosshatch Grey
Matte Black, Mint Green, and Crosshatch Grey


And five choices for the notebook cover.


The notebooks also have a choice between Square Grid, and the new layout, Dot Grid / Lined. 


As a thank you for filling out the survey within the first 5 days, I will award 3 backers with a free bonus notebook!   

This week, production will move forward and I will keep you up to date on the progress!  Thank you again for making this dream possible!  

